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Thursday, January 08, 2009  
2008 recap:

May : graduated UNT. BA in Music, minor in Spanish. skipped graduation, went to Spain with Cody instead. Stayed at Lola/Cesar's neighbors apartment with their weird blind dog. Got to show Cody around Valencia, too cold for the beach though. Had a great time, can't wait to go back.

June : quit working for Boiler Room (bartending, barbacking, sound, waiting) and went to work full time for Onstage Systems doing sound work. I hate commuting to Garland for work, but the job is worth it. They're really giving me a chance to learn there and move up quickly, and I've gotten to do some cool shows and work with nice gear. I think I may stay here a while, but I'll have to figure out a way to make the commute from Denton less miserable.

July : got engaged to Cody. we are finally at a great place together and i'm very glad we survived the rough times over the past few years. we're making plans to have the wedding at Tyler State Park in November 2009. Hopefully honeymoon will be somewhere cool, maybe south america.

August : moved in with Cody. living together is working great and solved many of our previous difficulties. she is very easy to live with and great to have around, and she seems to be tolerating me pretty well. The rent house is kind of a dump, so we're looking for a home to buy... maybe Denton, or maybe closer to my work in Garland.

A very interesting summer it was. At the start of 2009 I have Catie living in our house with us before she goes to study in Chile. Rebecca is living in Denton with her new girlfriend. Captain Gallagher played what was probably our final show in August 2008. Tarun is no longer in Denton, and can't commute, so we're giving up on him..... I would love to start something new with some of the same guys, and Pablo wants to too, but my time is very limited by work, so nothing has worked out yet. I'm playing drums alot more, but would still like to have an outlet with other people to play with. Not playing enough guitar, not playing any trumpet since I finished school. Though I might play for Scott's wedding. He got Christina knocked up and they've got a cute baby and are getting married this spring. Life's a bitch, but I hope it works out for them. Dane is also getting married this year. I guess its the thing to do now. So far I guess I'm doing pretty good at following the American dream. High school, college, "real job", marry high school sweetheart, buy a house...... next all I've got to do is have 2.5 kids and a white picket fence and a dog named Spot. then I'll have it made.

I wanted to set a few life goals:

see the world
be happy
enjoy my job
make music
be with Cody
own a business

I think I'm doing pretty well so far. The whole job and financial security area is hard to figure out right now..... I don't want to be a sound guy for Onstage forever, although I enjoy it and it pays well enough for now (no kids). But it is getting me no closer to being able to open a business and do what I ultimately want to be doing. I guess I will keep working here a while until "what I ultimately want to do" and where I want to do it becomes more clear to me.

Let it be noted that this blog is now intended only as a personal diary. One that I can't lose, and one that hopefully can't be found by anyone else.

I guess that's all.

3:55 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2007  
friday, 3am, bottom of a bottle

in between 20 and 21
happy and miserable
lucky and fucked
here and there
impatient and lazy


my stuttering/blocking is horrible
i am extremely burned out on school. i would take a break or change majors if it werent for the damn be on time loan.
I enjoy my job (for the most part) but i deserve better employers.
im impatient... i want to master many instruments and musics and recording, and it pisses me off that i dont have the time to do it right now.

here is my current situation:
cody is out of town, i am in town (rare). i got off work at 2. i want to see people, meet people, do something..... IF i were allowed to do any of the above, the only people i could call would be steve and pablo (moving into a house with them real soon)........ they're not doing anything.
i have no friends, but i want them. i have no freedom, but i want it.
i enjoy the comfort, the sex, the convenience, the love, the companion, of cody........
BUT it limits my musical growth and my meeting of people (both of which are essential to my 'career')

the latter is more important RIGHT NOW
the former seems to be the more important in 'the long run'
is there someone else who is both
if you find one, do you make it work both ways (possible?)?

would i really be more happy [creative, free, etc] without cody?
can i ever really be happy [creative, free, etc] with cody?

inventory of friends:


jacob weems
dane morris
john boiles
emily bates
matt bierschenk
michael sanchez
emily morris
mika rawlinson (see previous blogs... wtf)
college friends?


stephen lachance
pablo burrull
tarun krishnan?
paulo castillo
scott ward
brian hutton

and WHY, to all these....? alot relate to the previous issue.................?

what a wierd place to be.

2:38 AM

Tuesday, May 09, 2006  
blinding tears on my 20th birthday. felt so un-free .....? didn't understand

broke up with cody for a few hours - our relationship had us both trapped in something we didnt want
got back together with cody, trying to fix this wierd situation that i finally understand......... soon after, fucked up her trust again over dumb shit........working on that too. lucky to still have her

going to spain in a few weeks. awkward timing.

amazed at the clarity and happiness achieved by the following recipe:

miles davis
flaming lips
lawn chair
75 degree weather at 2 am in my backyard
ice water
watching traffic lights change

need this more. getting closer to whatever it is i'm supposed to be getting closer to.

2:08 AM

Thursday, February 23, 2006  
well, just for personal records now

i'm here at UNT.... almost a senior... 3.5 semesters down, 3.5 to go. BA in music... maybe grad school in the near future... maybe not

finally got a band going this past fall (05)
captain gallagher & the savvy travelers.... good stuff... i think we've definitely got potential... we just need to work on it, get it out there and get stuff going.

still with cody.... its been forever. things are going pretty well. Its rough once a month, but other than that i'm [we're] happy.

going back to spain this summer to take some classes....6 weeks. its gonna be great.
moved into a house (finally out of the dorms) with scott and brian, former roommate and suitemate.... turns out they are messier than me, but i dont mind it too much... there's usually something going on.... the house is good, but we might be moving at the end of the semester.

see ya in a few months or years maybe.

its crazy how long these account will stay active.


6:48 PM

Thursday, December 23, 2004  
whoa, i forgot.... i went to europe. that was amazing

london, brussels, faulx les tombes, wilderen, amsterdam, koln, vienna, mistelbach, budapest, venice, florence, pisa, la spezia, monaco, nice, barcelona, tarragona, paris, london, home

it would take forever to describe the whole trip, but it was just a wonderful experience, with john and dane. only cost about $2600 for the entire month of July. I'm so glad I did it. I feel much more worldly, and I now know the importance of being 'worldly'..... I refuse to remain in the United States now for longer than 2 years at a time..... it's so good to get out (like leaving nacogdoches, on a much bigger scale - its a good thing)

3:07 PM

wow.... i just read my entire blog - it was like my [high school] life flashed before my eyes

that was it..... 4 years, 30 posts, 3 girlfriends, eleventy million f*ups, and one big crock o' shit

eh, i guess it wasn't so bad after all

i'm blogging right now only for my own sake, because i seriously doubt (and hope) that no one is reading this anymore.

its christmas time and i'm back at home from a semester at UNT. made a 4.0 for the semester, didn't even think i could pull a B in composition or theory, but it worked out. i'm loving studying music at UNT. It keeps me extremely busy, but I enjoy at least 80% of the busy-ness. Im thinking about leaving the music education program for a general BA in music. I don't want to curse myself into becoming a junior high band director. I've got another semester to decide though

I need a musical outlet.... I've been without a band for the whole semester, miss it like crazy. Not like I've been playing my guitar enough anyways. Sure wish Jacob would come to UNT, I've enjoyed jamming with him this week at home.

so, college in general..... its alright. I hate my dorm room. I sit in the same chair for every second that i'm there and i'm not in bed. my personal space is about the size of an SUV. roommate is ok..... he only stays there 4 or 5 nites a week, and when he does, his girlfriend is there with him. he always plays playstation, madden 2005, the score is usually about 76 to 3, his favor (a&m). he's cool though. denton..... reminds me of nacogdoches. i like the music scene, lots of good venues.... i just haven't been out enough to see it. clubs, eh, im not into 'em. parties..... the few that i've been to have been pretty cool.... i just don't go out enough. i blame it on myself and cody, equal parts. cody's not into going out really, but we really enjoy just staying in together. but she's gone alot too, so thats when i go out.... or don't go out..... i missed out on making alot of friends at the beginning of the semester, because i spent alot of time alone with her..... but i'm slowly catching up.

so, speaking of cody. we're together. been together since august 2003. this will be our second new years together (hopefully very different from the last one... hehe, woooo). i guess that makes a year and more than 3 months. whoa. i really love it though. i didn't expect this (as is obvious from my last blog). she really loves me, and she is extremely good at loving me. i try hard to show that i love her back as much as i do.... hopefully she gets it. we really do have fun together. i can only complain that 1) we don't have common friends, thus we never 'socialize' 2) she thinks i am an alcoholic because i got drunk 4 times in 2 weeks (new orleans is my excuse and i'm sticking to it) and 3) she is very hurt-able... i try not to, but it is often unavoidable with her.... oh, and she's no fun when she's mad at me, but i usually deserve it.

i've also fallen madly in love with a mexican and a red head at UNT...... but nothing has happened, nor will happen. they are just very cool (and beautiful) people

i guess thats it for now..... maybe i'll post again in a year or so.....

2:43 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2004  
whoa.... its been 6 months, cant believe this place is still even here. wouldn't it be crazy if someone was actually reading this right now? i bet no one ever checks it anymore, but thats probably good.

Well, stuff has definitely fallen into place since the last few blogs. I'm with Cody and I love it, she's alot of fun, and I'm not too worried about us breaking up after high school, I think we'll manage it just fine. Which leads me to the other thing that just fell into place. I'm going to UNT. I guess I'm excited.... more so relieved. I'm selling my car, buying a new one, hopefully a nice one, gonna make plans for going to UNT. It's so cheap, and its gonna be pretty easy to do. It won't cost me anything, and won't cost my parents too much. So, thats nice to know, and I'm sure I'll be happy there. Oh, and Cody is going there, btw. It might be a little awkward, and yeah I don't like the situation it puts us in, but I am glad about having a really good friend there to, and knowing that we haven't completely ruled out dating in college. But enough about that.... it should be interesting.
Not much else but senioritis to talk about.... ready to be done with band, getting really close, done with school, hopefully graduating number 10 in the class, dont wanna take AP tests. I have crazy amounts of crap to read.... in spanish.....

oh yeah.... i forget it has been 6 months. I made AllState this year. yay. it was tons of fun.... i guess. a little bit overwhelming, but we played the greatest music ever, and had an amazing conductor. fun stuff. wells sure has been nice lately.... hmmm.....

chinese radio! on my birthday, april 30th soon. come. not that anyone is actually reading this. but if you were, you would have to come because it is my birthday, and we're playing. gonna be fun. actually exists now, but there is nothing on it yet.....

1:41 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2003  
more than a month since my last blog!!!
oh no

so, I can't go all out on this blog, no more soul-pouring, but I can at least do a little catch up.

uhm........ band, all the time, until last week, but we did grrrrreat at UIL so we're done for this fall, and I'm done FOREVER!!!! yay..... only 2 more games. Lots of work too, and school is so stinkin' easy. I've had about 5 total hours of homework so far this semester. Only big stresser now is college apps... yahoo...... Tulane, NYU, Southwestern, UT, UNT....... I've got so many essays to do, auditions to plan and prepare for, paper work to fill out, bla bla bla....

Took the SAT again, made a 1400, but my highest composite is now 1420, so I guess thats fine, I thought it was gonna be higher, but ohwell! Of course, me and Amy tied again. And Amy broke up with Jacob, and all I can say is that she's not really over me, and well, no other comments at this moment.

I'm excited because I've got friends coming down from Fort Worth next weekend to visit. That should be fun.

Church praise band, thats new. yeah, its going good, playing guitar usually, but this month I'm on bass, so that's kinda different. I'm getting paid a little bit, so that's nice too.

I'm running out of stuff. Cody's doing good too.... she can be really annoying with how hard she is to keep happy, she lets the littlest things get to her, but generally its been fun. I think we're 'officially' something now.

I guess thats about all I've got for now...... how you like them apples, Emily???

ooh! I'm proposing to Rosa at the last football game.... she's kinda in on the joke now about how I'm obsessed with her, which is kinda funny.... she know's what's up, so she just does that extremely hot/embarassed smile thing when Perla or I call her 'mi amante'...

yeah, the end

9:55 PM

Monday, September 15, 2003  
sorry its been so long, I know you crazy fans are out there waiting for another update....


uhm.... wow, what has happened since August 4th. Did I spell that right? August? That looks really wierd.

Lollapalooza. Stinkin' awesome! wow. Kinda bummed I didn't get to see my Woodlands buddies, but ohwell, I did see Jane's Addiction, Audioslave, Incubus, Queens of the Stone Age, etc....... ahhh, it was wonderful. Cody and her dad, and sister/friend Katie went too, and sat behind us. Which leads me to..............

Cody. (If you don't know, yes that is a girl). Turns out I'm an oblivious idiot (or I was until recently) and she has been trying to let me know that she likes me, and it went completely over my head, but I have since figured it out, and now we're "dating", or at least that's the official title that we're giving it for now, because it sounds right. I had just been choosing to ignore all the flirting because it wasn't much of a change from before, and I've known her since we were 2 years old, and didn't figure anything like that would ever happen, but I was glad to find out that it could and would and did happen.

I guess that's as much of that story as I want to tell.....

and I guess I'll find time for the rest of my stories later, cause I'm stinkin' tired.

11:13 PM

Monday, August 04, 2003  
Well..... yes I did break up with Amy, and NO we have not made out since then. So, hah. But it's cool, really, we hung out last nite, and it'll all be OK. I guess we'll just have to see.

And I was Mika when she was in town. It's like we're normal friends now. How wierd. Ohwell, it's good though.

Band started today.... I can't believe summer's over, and now starts the beginning of the end. ahhhhhhhh..... Oh, and Rosa is still as hot as ever...... and me and Angelica are going to hook up this year. I'm tellin' ya.

Talked to Mr. J today about recording Chinese Radio, and it looks like we may get to do about 4 songs next weekend with his new technology stuff. I'm pretty excited, I'm so glad that this is actually going somewhere. Maybe we'll do a webpage, if so, there will be a link here.

Pine Cove was fun. Last year though. It was my first "senior" experience, so it kinda made me excited about being a senior now.

Lollapalooza is in 5 days!!!!!! Oh, its going to be grand! Details later.....

11:54 PM

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